Currently the City of Harrisburg collects annual assessments for Streets and Storm Water. The collection from these assessments are used towards maintenance and improvements to the streets and storm water.  Legislation went into effect July 1, 2012 that lifted the cap of 40 cents per lineal front street footage to allow municipality's the ability to set their own rate.  Due to a back log of street maintenance, major projects and in order to keep up with inflation the city council increased the street assessment rate.   

To see how this may affect you, please follow the instructions below.

This section has past years amounts and any draft or newly adopted amounts. The amounts are sorted by Parcel Number.

To find out what your Parcel Number is follow the following steps:

1. Go to:

2. Type in your address into the search area, examples 203 Prairie HSBG or 203 Prairie Harrisburg, please note that you may have to scroll down the page if you do not see your property listed in the first few search results. 

3. Once you have found your address you can click on the address and a new page will be brought up. The Parcel Number can be found as the fourth row down in the "Property Information" section 

4. Now with your property's Parcel Number you can go through our assessments and see what amounts are that are assessed to your property.


Annual Storm Drainage and Maintenance (Street) Assessments (2021 payable 2022)