Snow Alert In Effect

December 27th, 2019
Starts at 7:00 pm, ends 4 days later at 12:00 pm


The City of Harrisburg is issuing a Snow Alert effective at 7:00pm today (12/27/19) through noon (12pm) Monday (12/30/19). 

NO PARKING is permitted on any City streets during Snow Alerts, vehicles may be ticketed at any time during a Snow Alert. The City will work to keep the Snow Routes open through the duration of the snow event and will plow every street, curb-to-curb once the snow and wind subside. It is important to remember that Snow Alerts automatically continue if curb-to-curb is not complete and that just because it appears that curb-to-curb is complete in front of your home that it may not be done around the corner and that parking on the street still might inhibit the plows.

It is against City Ordinance to deposit snow on the roadway at any time, even if the plows haven't come by your house yet. Please respect the plow operators and your neighbors by following this ordinance.

We are currently predicted to receive a mixture of rain, freezing rain, and up to 8 inches snow Friday. There will also be sustained winds above 20 mph with gusts above 30 mph. Roads in and around Harrisburg may be very difficult to travel. Please plan accordingly.

If you have a concern with snow removal please contact City Administrator Andrew Pietrus at 605-280-7083 or Please do NOT attempt to stop or interrupt a snow plow in progress.

Thank YOU for your patience, stay warm and stay safe...