Last Update: March 14, 2025

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  2025 Harrisburg Community Gardens Application 


Grand Gardens

Located at 801 Grand Ave. 

The Harrisburg Community Garden program was designed for people like you—renters without access to land, or homeowners with too-small or too-shady yards. 

People who choose to be community gardeners are expected to maintain their garden plots for the entire growing season and to provide volunteer help in preparing the garden sites with activities such as staking plots and applying organic mulch. Gardeners are also expected to clean their plots at the end of each growing season. The Harrisburg Community Garden is a cooperative effort involving the South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service, Harrisburg Park Board, City of Harrisburg, and a dedicated group of volunteers.


Community Gardening Education

Are you interested in growing your own produce, but aren’t sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve been gardening for many years and want to learn something new. Join us next summer for Gardening Basics! This class is open to all age groups, is well suited for families, and includes classroom instruction and hands-on application.

The City of Harrisburg provides and maintains parks and open space throughout the community as well as a wide range of recreation opportunities for citizens of all ages. Gardening enriches the connection communities have with fresh, healthy food.

This program aims to:
Provide opportunities for hands-on learning, inquiry, observation, and experimentation

Motivate residents to eat and love fruits and vegetables grown locally

Promote physical activity and quality outdoor experiences

Participants will have the opportunity to plant, grow, and maintain crops throughout the South Dakota growing season under the guidance of local master gardeners. All materials, including plants and equipment, will be provided. We will share plots at the Grand Gardens, the community gardening space. 


An annual fee of $35 is charged for each plot. Payment and applications can be directed to City Hall at 301 W Willow between the hours of Monday - Thursday 7am to 5pm and Friday 8am to 12pm.