Peddlers Licenses for the City of Harrisburg

Updated 10/10/24

Insight Pest Solutions - Breton Bess (Expires 05/01/25)

Vivant SmartHomes - Home Security Cameras (Expires 5/2/25)

Yardscapes - Lawn Care and Landscaping. Andrew Hibbison (Expires 3/21/2025)

River City Roofing - Roofing Services. Carter Schuster (Expires 8/29/25)

Pedal Power LLC - Jane Hansen (Expires 5/28/25)

Davis Books - Davis Janis Bedikers (Expires 6/5/25)

Jace Jones - Home Improvement/Cleaning (Expires 10/9/25)


 4.0201       Definitions.  For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms are hereby defined:

     A.     “Peddler” – any person, whether a resident of this City or not, traveling from place to place, from house to house, or from street to street for the purpose of selling, or soliciting for sale goods, wares, merchandise, or services, including food and beverages, and shall also mean and include any person transacting a temporary business within the City. 

    B.      “Temporary business” - means the sale of goods, wares, merchandise, or services, including food and beverages, sold by a person, business, or other entity for fewer than 90 days within any period of 12 consecutive months, or from a car, truck, other motor vehicle, trailer, or any structure other than a permanent building. 

 4.0202      Exceptions to Chapter.  The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following:

     A.     Solicitations, sales or distributions made by charitable, educational, or religious organizations. 

     B.      Traveling salespersons doing business exclusively with retail merchants, manufacturers, jobbers or public officials.

     C.      Persons selling jams, jellies, vegetables, fruits, or flowers grown or produced by them and not purchased by them for resale.

     D.     Bona fide garage, rummage, yard, or moving sales which do not occur at the same location more than four times per year, for more than four days each time.

4.0203       Refusing to Leave.  It shall be unlawful for any peddler who enters upon premises owned or leased by another to fail to promptly leave the premises after having been notified by the owner or possessor of the premises, or his agent, to leave the premises. (SDCL 22-35-5 and 22-35-6)

4.0204      Entrance to Premises Restricted.  It shall be unlawful for any peddler to enter upon any private premises when the premises is posted with a sign stating "No Peddlers Allowed," "No Soliciting," or words to that effect.

4.0205       Misrepresentation.  No peddler shall make false or fraudulent statements concerning the quality or nature of their goods, wares, merchandise, or services for the purpose of inducing another to purchase the goods, wares, merchandise, or services.

4.0206       Hours of Operation.  No peddler shall peddle door-to-door between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. the following morning, except by specific appointment with or invitation from the prospective customer.

4.0207       Prohibited Conduct.  Any peddler selling or soliciting for sale goods, wares, merchandise or services by traveling from place to place, house to house, or street to street shall not remain in any one place for a period longer than necessary to make a sale after having been approached or stopped for that purpose.

4.0208       Permit Required.  It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in business as a peddler within this city without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Finance Officer.

4.0209       Application for Permit.  The application for a permit required by the provisions of this article shall specify:

     A.     A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted of any crime, whether state or federal law or municipal ordinance or code other than minor traffic offenses; the nature of the offense; the punishment or penalty assessed therefore, if previously convicted; and the place of conviction.

     B.      Whether the applicant, upon any sale or order, shall demand, accept or receive payment, or deposit of money in advance of final delivery.

     C.      The period of time the applicant wishes to engage in business within the City.

     D.     The local and permanent addresses of the applicant.

     E.      The local and permanent addresses and the name of the entity, if any, that the applicant represents.

     F.      The kind of goods, wares, merchandise, or services the applicant wishes to peddle within the city.

     G.     The last five cities or towns wherein the applicant has worked before coming to this City.

     H.     The applicant's date of birth and social security account number or other identifying number.

     I.       Proof of a current South Dakota Sales Tax License.

4.0210       False Information.  No person shall give any false or misleading information in connection with his or her application for a permit required by this chapter.

4.0211       Fee.  Before any permit shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter, the applicant shall pay a fee of $50.00. This fee may be adjusted by resolution by the City Council.

4.0212       Issuance Restricted.  No peddler's permit shall be issued to a corporation, partnership or other impersonal legal entity, unless that entity is operating a temporary business at a fixed location, but each individual person engaging in the business of peddling from door-to-door or street-to-street within the City shall be required to have a separate permit, whether acting for himself or herself or as an agent or representative of another.

4.0213       Display.  Every peddler having a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter and doing business within the city shall display his permit upon the request of any person, and failure to do so shall be a violation of this Chapter.

4.0214       Revocation.  Any permit issued under the provisions of this Chapter may be revoked for the violation by the permittee of any provision of this Title, state law, or City ordinance by the Finance Officer. Upon such revocation, such permit shall immediately be surrendered, and failure to do so shall be a violation of this Chapter.