Capital Improvement Program
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a master planning tool applied to maintain our existing infrastructure while making strategic investments for the future. The program prioritizes and plans the rehabilitation, replacement, and expansion of the public drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, street, and parks infrastructure and facilities over the next five years.
The CIP development process begins in January each year and a final draft is determined by July for incorporation in the City's annual budget process in August. The final CIP Plan is completed in December. Public input is encouraged throughout the process and can be provided directly to city staff or may be provided at Planning & Zoning or City Council meetings.
Previous CIPs are provided below.
Petition for Public Improvement
Pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law (SDCL) 9-43-76, a municipality may accept and consider petitions by owners of property within a municipality for local improvement to be specially assessed against the properties benefiting from the improvements. Further information on South Dakota’s Codified Laws pertaining to special assessments and financing of improvements can be obtained from the South Dakota Legislature.
The document provided below can be circulated to petition a public improvement in the City of Harrisburg.
Petition for Public Improvement