2015-15 Transfers of funds from 2015 Contingency fund
2015-14 Annexation of Orchard Property
2015-13 2015 Special Assessment for Sidewalk Snow Removal
2015-12 Annual Storm Water Assessment Fee
2015-11 Special Maintenance Fee
2015-10 Resolution to request reconstruction of I-29 overpass
2015-09 SDDOT Community Access Grant Resolution
2015-08 Full-Service Restaurant On-Sale Licenses 05-18-15
2015-07 Open Containers during HDays
2015-06 Resolution Rob Handshumaker Service to Community
2015-04 To Prohibit Parking on the south side of Industrial Drive
2015-03 Annexation of Sproul Property
2015-02 Annexation of Slack Property
2015-01 Establishing Salaries for 2015