2024-01 To Amend the Zoning Regulations Conditional Use Permits (CUP)
2024-02 To Amend the Zoning Regulations Keeping of Chickens
2024-03 Rezoning Property at 408 N Cliff Ave and 27246 475th Ave
2024-04 Rezoning a Portion of Whiskey Creek Addition
2024-05 Amending the Zoning Regulations
2024-06 Amending the Sign Regulations
2024-07 Appropriations Ordinance
2024-09 Rezoning Tract 2 of the Paul Alan AdditionÂ
2024-10 Amending Chapter 9.02 Zoning Regulations Contractor Shops
2024-11 Amending Chapter 8.04 Stormwater Drainage
2024-12 Adding Chapter 6.09 Street Maintenance Fee