6.0301 Duty to Remove. It shall be the duty of the owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property abutting on any sidewalk to keep such sidewalk and boulevard free from snow and to cause any accumulated snow to be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the termination of any snowfall, or snow accumulation.

6.0302 Disposal of Snow. It shall be the duty of the property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any public or private driveway, parking lot or parking area or boulevard to dispose of accumulated snow upon such property in such manner that any snow when removed shall not be deposited upon any sidewalk or within or upon any public street or alley, or in a manner that will obstruct or
interfere with the passage or vision of vehicle or pedestrian traffic.

6.0303 Removal Costs Assessed. In the event any owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property shall neglect or fail to or refuse to remove such snow or ice within the time provided, the City may issue a citation for such violation and may authorize such removal with the costs to be assessed against the abutting property owner. (SDCL 9-30-5)

Snow Information