City Compost Site
Updated 12/16/24
**Compost CLOSED **
Location: The city Compost Site is located at 801 S Prairie Street
Regular hours of operation during season (weather permitting):
Mondays (3-6pm)
Wednesdays (3-6pm)
Saturdays (8-11am)
Weather Permitting: If it is raining or has rained within the past 24 hours, the site most likely will be closed. The road leading back to the site gets very muddy and the likelihood of vehicles getting stuck is high. Check the Parks Facebook page, @HarrisburgParks, for updates on closures.
Proof of Residency: The city compost site is only open to Harrisburg residents: You MUST provide a utility bill or Driver's License showing proof of address to utilize the compost site. If you don’t have a copy of your water bill you may request one at City Hall during regular business hours.
Permitted and acceptable compost items: Leaves and grass
Permitted and acceptable wood items: Trees, tree branches, and brush
We are NOT permitted to accept: plastic or paper bags (even though they are marketed as compostable/decomposable)
Additional Information: This is a supervised site, so please be aware of the times listed. The opening is contingent on the weather and road conditions at the site. Check the Parks Facebook page, @HarrisburgParks, for updates on closures.
Most licensed waste haulers within Harrisburg offer yard waste disposal.
Licensed Garbage Services in Harrisburg: